
Showing posts from March, 2021

Problems and Solutions: associating objects and story

The problem of associated objects with the story: An exploration of Fragmented Narrative Previous Method: At the beginning, I just have a brief concept of the whole story. I attempt to find objects which can be used as plots for the story in RPG MAKER MZ. However, it’s really a difficult work. New ideas would be conflict with original ideas, making me can’t find suitable things for my project.   New Method: I changed my way. I constructed a case as detailed as possible and tried to find objects according to these details. Frankly, it's a more effective ways, because I have clear aims of every object. It also reminds me that Fragmented Narrative is just a way of storytelling, instead of a way of creating story. Method: First step: constructing a complete story about the case Every details of the whole story Second step: Fragmentation of the complete story, selecting part of fragmented information as plots of players. Third step: I created comparison on text and visual ef

Problems and Solutions: Characters switch

The problem of characters switch   Characters switch is very important for Multi Person Perspective Narrative, because it is directly related to immersive experience of players.    I have thought about making two version of the game for two characters: Alice and John. Players can get different information from different version and analyze them, which is a easy way for me to build. However, this way has such disadvantages: 1. Divided experience in game would keep players from engaging. 2. The process of analyzing information is not real time, which would make player forget some information and difficult to link them. 3. Repeated playing of the game would make player tired. For these reason, I want to find a way to make the switch process naturally. After my effort,  I find it is the same as switch team members in Adventure RPG. When player trigger an event, the team member would be switched. Following this concept, I decide to use “having a rest” as the chance to switch characters. Ch

Scenes Build: Corridor (west), Second floor, Present office and Past office

Corridor (West)   The boxes in corridor is the key plot of players in this scene. I want to let player move these box and see the information behind these boxes.  Second floor: Because the fire happened in office, the closer side has a more obvious marks of burning.                                   Present office:  In this scene, I want players to find 2 obvious point: The lower left corner and the top right corner, which I used more obvious marks of burning to express. Past office: In this scene, I want players can link the things between past and present. Players are supposed to think what cause such change and go to explore criminal's methods by following these things.


 OUTLINE 1. Problem   Wordy text and huge amount of information make Fragmented Narrative tiring and difficult to remember, I explore to solve this problem in my project. 2. Solution   Multi Perspectives Narrative can be a way to solve this problem. In my project, Multi Perspective means Multi Time and Multi Person. Both of these can let player know information from different perspectives. This information is different but relevant, which can help player understand the story. 3. Project Basic   Associated Memory would give people a deep impression. Therefore, more intensively relevant and compared information can be easier to remember in game. 4. Project Platform   RPG Maker MZ, a game engine to make 2D RPG Games. 5. Difficulties a. Event system in RPG Maker MZ is still too weak to realize some of my ideas. b. Lacking of Art Resources. c. Time.

Multi Perspective Narrative

  How to make a story in game leaving an deep impression on player?   As I said before, wordy text would make player tired, bored and forget the content easily. To solve this problem, I need to solve another problem first:  What can leave a deep impression on memory of people?   The answer is Associated Memory . The video I had posted before briefly interprets the mechanism of people's memory:   Indeed, How much information players encode and remember depends on both the time they took to learn it and how they made it personally relevant to them. Time is another question, while relevance is the key here. If we want to make play can remember the content in game firmly, we have to let them find the relevance of the story.      Therefore, strong relevant content would leave player a deep impression, which can answer the title question.      Based on this conclusion, I want to try a new way of Fragmented Narrative in game, which I call Multi Perspective Narrative .   In my research, Mu



A New Method of Fragmented Narrative

The problem of traditional Fragmented Narrative in game: 1. Scattering, various and wordy narrative of information The unimpressive is the main problem to solve for any types of Fragmented Narrative. Scattering information is the main characteristic of Fragmented Narrative, which needs players to collect, connect and analyze. However, various fragments and wordy information often give players an exhausting  experience. Actually, image information are more impressive than text information, because image information are more likely to let people see the connection between images. Using more image information to narrate is what I want in Fragmented Narrative. How we memory work: 2. Some fragmented information can be overlooked by player Unlike linear narrative, most of Fragmented Narrative is not able to attract player to find and read them, which make them can be overlooked easily. How to make player notice carrier of Fragmented Narrative (items, scenes, enemies, skills) is a problem ne